Remote work is broken.

slack killer | voice-first commz for teams


the future of work for minimalists - without the endless notifications, threads, meetings...

Conversations everywhere. Mis-communication. Death by thousand cuts.


how it works - walkie-talkie for every desk

1. choose your top-of-mind teammates - active llinks

2. send & receive echoes - voice messages

3. broadcast instantly to mutual active llinks

4. desktop widget - share screen, links, documents


philosophy deepdive - why everyone's doing it wrong

local vs. global maxima

We run in circles with productivity tools, flashy email clients, and new processes. Carrot on a stick.

hidden cost: miscommunication

Slack threads don't resolve anything beyond "have a good weekend!". Github PR comments are slow, and miss the nuances. Meetings are constructs with arbitrary time blocks.

hidden cost: cognitive load

Thirty years ago, 90% of conversations were verbal. We haven't evolved for 90% of commz being async text. It's taxing.


the flowy method

people want their core team at their fingertips

Whether CEO or intern, everyone has 5-9 top-of-mind folks which changes week to week. We haven't evolved for incessant absorption (see Miller's law).

people want something lightweight

We're all exhausted and we have to choose a new way of life where less is more. Today.

people want something human

Flowy.llink augments human conversation which keeps people in flow.

AI - coming soon

tasks, mentions, and search

Conversational flow. Anti-AI. Authentic. Human presence. Fluidity. Elegant.
Elegant. Fluidity. Human presence. Authentic. Anti-AI. Conversational flow.
Conversational flow. Anti-AI. Authentic. Human presence. Fluidity. Elegant.
Elegant. Fluidity. Human presence. Authentic. Anti-AI. Conversational flow.
Conversational flow. Anti-AI. Authentic. Human presence. Fluidity. Elegant.
If our work resonates with you, please get involved.